If You Take It Out…

…put it back. Remember that little list of rules? Here they are: If you take it out, put it back. If you open it, close it. If you throw it down, pick it up. If you take it off, hang it up. If you use it, clean it up. I think that if all we […]

Making and Keeping Appointments

I have a busy week this week. Today I had to take the dog to the vet, tomorrow I get my hair cut, and on Wednesday I get my teeth cleaned. Now you know how we ADDers are about appointments. Getting your teeth cleaned, for instance, is usually every 6 months. That means that you […]

ADHD and Addictions

Edited 3/25/18. Addiction and alcoholism among senior citizens is more common now than ever. Be sure to note the resources below. Did you know that addictions are very common among people who have ADHD? It’s true. It often comes from self medicating – an attempt to control your symptoms of ADHD or anxiety or depression. […]

Well Duh!

Do you ever have those “well, duh!” moments? You know, when you’ve been trying to solve a problem or are struggling with something and then somehow you see the solution? And it’s easy and simple and you wonder why you didn’t think of it? Cause it was staring you in the face. Yep, that’s an […]

Keeping Those New Years Resolutions

Did you make New Years resolutions this year? And if you did, how are you doing with them? It’s almost 3 weeks into the new year. Have you abandoned your resolutions already? This whole idea of keeping or maintaining New Years resolutions is part of a discussion over at Life Well Lived at BlogHer. You […]

Are You Getting in Your Own Way?

What areas in your life are you having trouble with? Right now a lot of my areas center around my desk and my computer. The account I keep meaning to cancel. The stuff I keep meaning to check on. Writing my blogs and my newsletter. I was thinking about all of that today and why […]