How Something You Never Heard of Can Help Your ADHD

Let’s start with a small science lesson, shall we? You know of course that your ADHD is centered around your brain. Because you have ADHD, your brain functions differently than brains who do not have ADHD. You have neurotransmitters in your brain; these chemicals transport information in your brain and body. Dopamine is one of […]

Reiki for ADHD

Have you ever heard of Reiki? (It’s pronounced ray key.) Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing. The practitioner connects your energy to Divine energy (whatever your definition of that is) and helps to rebalance and realign the energy in your body. I know. It sounds very woo woo, but really it isn’t. It’s […]

Are You All Ears?

No, I don’t mean like Dumbo. 😉 I guess what I really mean to ask is if you are a good listener. I’ve always thought that I was a good listener, and some people have even commented on it. I often find that people tell me things that they wouldn’t tell anyone else. But on […]

Hormones and ADHD

There are very few times in your life when hormones won’t play a part. They come into play in adolescence as we begin to mature. That whole process can last for quite a while as I’m sure you know. Your monthly cycles will cause a fluctuation in your hormone levels, as will pregnancy and the […]


Do you ever feel overwhelmed? I know I do. It’s pretty common for people with ADHD to feel that way. We have difficulty prioritizing; to us, everything seems equally important. Often we choose to do something not because it is important to get done right away, but because we’re afraid that if we don’t do […]

Sometimes I Just Want Peace

Note: There are affiliate links in this post. That means if you click on it and buy the product, the seller gives me a small fee as a thank you. Your price does not change. Also, while I was asked to write this review, I purchased the headphones myself. My opinions are 100% mine. I have […]