Simplify Your Space
Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the product, I get a small fee from Amazon. This does not change the price to you. Many of us with ADHD have cluttered spaces. We forget about things, lose things, and set things down without thinking. We tend to […]
Simplify Your Mind
Simplify your mind. Isn’t that just the best idea ever? You know what our ADHD minds are like – there’s a whole circus going on in there and then some. It’s as though all of the channels on your TV were on and playing at the same time. Is it any wonder we are […]
The Power of the Broom
Did you know that a broom can be a powerful thing? No, not that kind of broom. 😉 This kind of broom. And where does the magic of this kind of broom come from? It’s power lies in the act of using it. Not just to get your floors clean, but as a form of […]
Longing for Order
As An ADD Woman, you probably find yourself in the midst of chaos more than you would like. And you may find yourself longing for order. I understand. I can relate. I think that having ADHD means we are always longing for some kind of order in our lives. Either that, or we are […]
The Mystery of Multi-Tasking
Have you ever noticed the mystery of multi-tasking? On the one hand, we can be masters of doing more than one thing at a time. But on the other hand, sometimes we are so consumed with one thing that everything else gets ignored. How does that work? I think by nature we were born knowing […]
5 Ways to Reduce Your Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is something that affects many of us with ADHD. There are a number of factors behind this: We are not always able to pick up on social cues because we don’t pay close enough attention We are too busy thinking of what to say that we miss those cues and the conversation happening […]